 sql >> डेटाबेस >  >> RDS >> Mysql

मैसकल क्वेरी परिणाम को एक वर्ग के अंदर सरणी में रखें

सरणी मान $rtoclass . के लिए प्रारंभ किए गए कक्षा के बाहर चर, फिर एक AdvancedExport . को पास किया गया इसकी विधि के माध्यम से वस्तु - $obj->set_arr_needed( $rtoclass );

पर $obj->fputToFile() कॉल, आवश्यक सरणी स्वचालित रूप से इसके अंदर चर $arr_needed_in के माध्यम से उपयोग के लिए उपलब्ध होगी ।

कोशिश करें:

$servername = "localhost";
$username = "username";
$password = "password";
$dbname = "dbname";

// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
    die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

$sql = "SELECT codice_target FROM customer";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
$rtoclass = array();

if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
    // output data of each row
    while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        echo "id: " . $row["id_customer"]. " - Codice target: " . $row["codice_target"]."<br>";
        $rtoclass[] = $row;
} else {
    echo "0 results";

$obj = new AdvancedExport();
$obj->set_arr_needed( $rtoclass );


कक्षा के लिए:

class AdvancedExport extends Module

        //other methods here...

        private $arr_needed = array(); 

        public function set_arr_needed( $arr ) {    
            $this->arr_needed = $arr;

        public function get_arr_needed() {  
            return $this->arr_needed;

        public function fputToFile($file, $allexportfields, $object, $ae)
            $arr_needed_in = $this->get_arr_needed(); // array needed already inside..

            if($allexportfields && $file && $object && $ae)
                //one ready for export product
                $readyForExport = array();

                //put in correct sort order
                foreach ($allexportfields as $value)
                    $object = $this->processDecimalSettings($object, $ae, $value);
                    $readyForExport[$value] = iconv("UTF-8", $ae->charset, $object[$value]);


                // need to put mysql query result here inside $readyForExport['codice_target'];

                $this->counter[$readyForExport['id_order']] = (!empty($this->counter[$readyForExport['id_order']])) ? ++$this->counter[$readyForExport['id_order']] : 1; // try here
                $readyForExport['orderLine'] = $this->counter[$readyForExport['id_order']]; // and try here

                //print_r('The id_order is added: ' . $readyForExport['orderLine']); // see if it is added

                //echo '<pre>' . var_dump($readyForExport) . '</pre>';

                // modifiche === Dario === prezzo
                $newPrice = substr($readyForExport['product_price'], 0, strpos($readyForExport['product_price'], "."));
                $readyForExport['product_price'] = $newPrice;

                // === data

                $newDateAdd = new DateTime($readyForExport['date_add']);
                $readyForExport['date_add'] = $newDateAdd->format('d/m/Y');

                // aggiungo 21 giorni - 3 settimane - alla data di acquisto
                $date_mod = clone $newDateAdd;
                $date_mod->add(new DateInterval('P21D'));
                $readyForExport['delivery_date'] = $date_mod->format('d/m/Y');

                // === data invoice
                $newDateInvoice = clone $newDateAdd;
                $readyForExport['invoice_date'] = $newDateAdd->format('d/m/Y');

                //scambio l'id customer con il codice_target

                //$readyForExport['codice_target'] = 8989;

                $textTarget = (string)$readyForExport['codice_target']; 

                $readyForExport['id_customer'] = $textTarget;

                // aggiungo gli zeri davanti al customer id
                $id_count = strlen($readyForExport['id_customer']);            
                if ($id_count == 1) {

                    $newCustomer = "0000000".$readyForExport['id_customer'];
                    $readyForExport['id_customer'] = $newCustomer;

                }elseif ($id_count == 2) {

                    $newCustomer = "000000".$readyForExport['id_customer'];
                    $readyForExport['id_customer'] = $newCustomer;

                }elseif ($id_count == 3) {

                    $newCustomer = "00000".$readyForExport['id_customer'];
                    $readyForExport['id_customer'] = $newCustomer;

                }elseif ($id_count == 4) {
                    $newCustomer = "0000".$readyForExport['id_customer'];
                    $readyForExport['id_customer'] = $newCustomer;

                }elseif ($id_count == 5) {
                    $newCustomer = "000".$readyForExport['id_customer'];
                    $readyForExport['id_customer'] = $newCustomer;

                }elseif ($id_count == 6) {
                    $newCustomer = "00".$readyForExport['id_customer'];
                    $readyForExport['id_customer'] = $newCustomer;


                // elaboro lo SKU

                $textSku = (string)$readyForExport['product_name']; 

                $newSku_1 = $readyForExport['product_name'];

                $newSku_1 = substr($newSku_1,0,4);
                $newSku_2 = "/".substr($textSku,-4,4);

                $newSku_tot = $newSku_1.$newSku_2; 

                $newSku_tot = str_replace(' ', '', $newSku_tot);
                $newSku_tot = str_replace('-', '', $newSku_tot);
                $newSku_tot = str_replace('co', '', $newSku_tot);

                $newSku_tot = str_replace('e', '', $newSku_tot);
                $newSku_tot = str_replace('r', '', $newSku_tot);

                $readyForExport['product_name'] = $newSku_tot;

                // aggiungo un campo fisso
                $readyForExport['causale'] = "NR";

                // aggiungo un campo fisso
                $readyForExport['ORCL'] = "ORCL";

                //$readyForExport['G'] = "";
                $readyForExport['J'] = "";
                $readyForExport['K'] = "";
                $readyForExport['L'] = "";
                $readyForExport['M'] = "";
                $readyForExport['N'] = "";
                $readyForExport['P'] = "";
                $readyForExport['Q'] = "";
                $readyForExport['R'] = "30";


                //riordino i campi in base a come li dispongo nella variabile $index_arr
                foreach($index_arr as $i=>$v) {
                    foreach($readyForExport as $k=>$b) {
                        if ($k==$v) $arr_t[$k]=$b;

                //write into csv line by line
                fputcsv($file, $readyForExport, $ae->delimiter, $ae->separator);
'; // संशोधित ===डारियो ===प्रीज़ो $ newPrice =सबस्ट्र ($ readyForExport ['product_price'], 0, स्ट्रॉप्स ($ readyForExport ['product_price'], "।")); $readyForExport['product_price'] =$newPrice; // ===डेटा $ newDateAdd =नया दिनांक समय ($ readyForExport ['date_add']); $readyForExport['date_add'] =$newDateAdd->format('d/m/Y'); // aggiungo 21 giorni - 3 settimane - alla data di acquisto $date_mod =clone $newDateAdd; $ date_mod-> जोड़ें (नई तिथि अंतराल ('P21D')); $readyForExport['delivery_date'] =$date_mod->format('d/m/Y'); // ===डेटा चालान $newDateInvoice =क्लोन $newDateAdd; $readyForExport['invoice_date'] =$newDateAdd->format('d/m/Y'); //scambio l'id ग्राहक il codice_target //$readyForExport['codice_target'] =8989; $textTarget =(स्ट्रिंग)$तैयारफॉरएक्सपोर्ट ['codice_target']; $readyForExport['id_customer'] =$textTarget; // एग्जिउंगो ग्लि ज़ीरी दावंती अल ग्राहक आईडी $id_count =strlen($readyForExport['id_customer']); अगर ($id_count ==1) { $newCustomer ="0000000"।$readyForExport['id_customer']; $readyForExport['id_customer'] =$newCustomer; }elseif ($id_count ==2) { $newCustomer ="000000".$readyForExport['id_customer']; $readyForExport['id_customer'] =$newCustomer; }elseif ($id_count ==3) { $newCustomer ="00000"।$readyForExport['id_customer']; $readyForExport['id_customer'] =$newCustomer; }elseif ($id_count ==4) { $newCustomer ="0000"।$readyForExport['id_customer']; $readyForExport['id_customer'] =$newCustomer; }elseif ($id_count ==5) { $newCustomer ="000".$readyForExport['id_customer']; $readyForExport['id_customer'] =$newCustomer; }elseif ($id_count ==6) { $newCustomer ="00".$readyForExport['id_customer']; $readyForExport['id_customer'] =$newCustomer; } // विस्तृत करें SKU $textSku =(स्ट्रिंग)$तैयारForExport['product_name']; $newSku_1 =$readyForExport['product_name']; $newSku_1 =सबस्ट्र ($newSku_1,0,4); $newSku_2 ="/".substr($textSku,-4,4); $newSku_tot =$newSku_1.$newSku_2; $newSku_tot =str_replace(' ','', $newSku_tot); $newSku_tot =str_replace('-', '', $newSku_tot); $newSku_tot =str_replace('co', '', $newSku_tot); $newSku_tot =str_replace('e', '', $newSku_tot); $newSku_tot =str_replace('r', '', $newSku_tot); $readyForExport['product_name'] =$newSku_tot; // एग्जिउंगो अन कैंपो फिसो $ रेडीफॉरएक्सपोर्ट ['कारण'] ="एनआर"; // एग्जिउंगो अन कैंपो फिसो $ रेडीफॉरएक्सपोर्ट ['ओआरसीएल'] ="ओआरसीएल"; //$ तैयार फॉरएक्सपोर्ट ['जी'] =""; $readyForExport['J'] =""; $readyForExport['K'] =""; $readyForExport['L'] =""; $readyForExport['M'] =""; $readyForExport ['एन'] =""; $readyForExport ['पी'] =""; $readyForExport['Q'] =""; $readyForExport['R'] ="30"; $index_arr=array("id_customer",,"date_add",,"ORCL",,"product_name",,"Casale",,"product_quantity",,"product_price",,"delivery_date",,"id_order",,"J","K"," एल", "एम", "एन", "ऑर्डरलाइन", "पी", "क्यू", "आर"); //रियोर्डिनो आई कैंपी इन बेस ए कम ली डिस्पोंगो नेला वेरिएबिल $index_arr $arr_t=array(); foreach($index_arr as $i=>$v) { foreach($readyForExport as $k=>$b) { if ($k==$v) $arr_t[$k]=$b; } } $readyForExport=$arr_t; // लाइन fputcsv द्वारा csv लाइन में लिखें ($file, $readyForExport, $ae->delimiter, $ae->separator); } }}

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
  1. ClusterControl के साथ MySQL NDB क्लस्टर को परिनियोजित और प्रबंधित करना

  2. LIMIT के साथ MySQL तालिका से औसत चुनें

  3. MySQL दो दिनांक स्वरूप के बीच कनवर्ट करें

  4. संदर्भ में एक खोज स्ट्रिंग निकालें

  5. मेरी क्वेरी MySQL से आकार की गणना कैसे करें?